Wednesday, March 31, 2010


1.Political leaders can remain in their position because they have followers. It appears that some kind of a bond exists between these two groups of people. What is the nature of this bond?

2.Some people would say that this bond is of the nature of benefit. Followers of political leaders are following the political leaders because they receive some kind of benefit. So long as benefit exists the folloeing will continue and yhe political leaders can remain in their position. Political leaders must therefore work very hard to ensure the continuous and uninterrupted supply of benefit. This is the way of an ancient king.

3.However, some people would think otherwise. Ancient kings have been constantly replaced. The nature of the bond is not benefit but the end of their struggle. Political leaders usually have objective for theie struggle. The followers are actually following the objective, not the person of the political leaders.

4.But one thing is common. The following is voluntary in nature. The followers of the political leaders are free to choose the kind of political leaders that they wish to follow.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1.The MCA Central Delegates would have to make a very difficult decision in the coming MCA Central Committee election. This is because they are well aware that the political rivals of MCA like PKR and DAP are waiting to see what kind of leaders are they going to choose.

2.They know that they must choose leaders who can match the leaders from the rival parties when facing the people in the general election. Just like in a boxing match, the 'weight' of the contenders must be compatible before you can think about winning.

3.A wrong choice would surely benefit the political rivals. Wise leaders are always a threat to the rivals.

4.The MCA Central Delegates are all wise people. They would use their wisdom to choose leaders who are wise so that their party would prevail before the tribunal of the people.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


1.Ants are fragile physically but are powerful instinctively. They have a place in nature because of their infallible instinct to detect the presence of sugar.

2.Ants are always on the move. Tirelessly roaming around covering wide area of land searching for sugar. Once sugar is found instantaneously they would get together.

3.Knowing this nature of ants men could easily control their lives. When sugar is left in the East, ants would go to the East. And when sugar is left in the West, ants would move to the West.

4.This blind sugar loving instinct of ants could lead to their preservation and also could lead to their destruction. Instinct without reason could be fatal.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


1.We are not unfamiliar with reports in the media concerning elections in political parties. A member of a political party appears to be very keen in getting a position in his political party. This is true both in the ruling parties and the opposition parties.

2.It appears that there is a link between heads of Government and heads of political parties.

3. Government position in the wider sense includes all kinds of public positions maintained by public funds.

4.Position brings power. Political power is the power to make law and to enforce the law. So, it is surely against the will of the people to equate power with pecuniary benefits.

5.Ants get together when there is sugar. Men get together when there is happiness.

6.In the pursuit of happiness men get together and organise themselves as leaders and followers. Their relationship takes the form of a pyramid. Leaders occupy the higher position, while the followers occupy the lower position. However, when the foundation is gone, the whole pyramid collapses. Therefore leaders must always ensure that their followers remain where they are. While an Egyptian pyramid is held in place by concrete, human pyramid is held in place by happiness.

7.Many party members believe that the relationship between party position and Government position is just like a two-storey building. The ground floor represents party position and the first floor represents Government position.

8.We need competition in order to progress. But competition must be healthy and must be done for the sake of the people. Money politics should not be allowed to exist at all costs.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


1.In a democratic society the people choose the Government to manage the affairs of the people. The power is in the hand of the people.

2.It is the people who decide what kind of society they want. Only after making this decision, the people would proceed to choose the suitable Government to implement their will.

3.It is not the Government that decide what kind of society the people should live in. May be this is true in the days of our ancient ancestors where the king decides how his subjects should live.

4.If the people are good, they would surely choose a good Government. And if the people are bad, they would surely choose a bad Government. Thieves would choose one of them as leader.

5.The people must now take the lead.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


1.In ancient China, the leaders were generally regarded as wiser than the people. The leaders were educated and knowledgeable while the people were uneducated and ignorant. So in such a situation, the leaders decide and the people follow.

2.In modern days, this is no longer true. the people are now educated and knowledgeable. And if education and knowledge is the criterion, the people should be able to lead themselves, and leaders are no longer necessary.

3.Even if we the people still need leaders, we should not forget that we are wiser than our leaders. The people are more, the leaders are less. Therefore the people are more wise, the leaders are less wise. The more wise teach, the less wise learn.

4.We should change the way we think. It is never late. If it is late, still, it is better late than never.


1.Lately, it has been reported quite frequently in the local newspapers about problems in political parties. Both in the ruling parties and in the opposition.

2.Some would say that this is something unnatural. If political parties are involved endlessly in internal disputes there would be no time left for other beneficial activities. The lack of these activities would slowly weaken the parties which may finally be rejected by the people.

3.However, some of us may argue that this us something natural. You need to have healthy competition to progress. The incompetent is replaced by the competent. The bad is replaced by the good. The party thus reformed would emerge stonger.

4.I believe that this is something natural. If men as individuals are involved in endless disputes, men in groups would not behave differently. A political party is only a whole comprising of parts.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


1.Machiavelli says: A prince, therefore, need not necessarily have all the good qualities I mentioned above, but he should certainly appear to have them. Machiavelli also says: A prince, then, must be very careful not to say a word which does not seemed inspired by the five qualities I mentioned earlier. To those seeing and hearing him, he should appear a man of compassion, a man of good faith, a man of integrity, a kind and a religious man. And there is nothing so important as to seem to have this last quality.

2.However, most of us may not be able to agree with Machiavelli on such an important point. It is against our values as modern men. We would feel unsafe to have bad people as our leaders. Instead of giving us protection, bad leaders would cause harm to us.

3.But some of us may think that what Machiavelli says is correct. What is important is that the people should be happy to be under his rule. It does not matter whether or not the prince has good or bad qualities. The end justifies the means.

4. Since we are the one to decide what kind of leaders we want to manage our affairs, we must be responsible in making our decision. Our decision will not only affect us, but it will also affect our children and their children and so on ad infinitum.