Tuesday, May 31, 2016


1. In Malaysia lately an attempt has been made by PAS to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 giving more power to the Syariah Court (except the death penalty).

2. Objections came immediately from non-Muslims political parties like MCA, MIC, Gerakan etc.

3. To have two separate judicial systems without being under the jurisdiction of a common Appeal Court is absurd. The dispute between the two Courts could never be settled.

4. The non-Muslims do not submit to the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court. How do they protect their right?

5. To have a right without the executive power from the Court is useless.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


1. It is not in dispute that sometime in 2009 1MDB paid RM4.2 billion to a company called Good Star.

2. The money was to be paid to a Joint-Venture Company (JV Co) for the purchase of its equities.

3. JV Co asked that the money be paid to PetroSaudi as repayment of loan from PetroSaudi.

4. The money was eventually paid to Good Star.

5. It is now become a dispute as to who was the owner of Good Star, PetroSaudi or some other stranger?

6. If it was some other stranger, then theft had taken place. RM4.2 billion became crime money. The movement of this money would give rise to money laundering.

Friday, May 20, 2016

1MDB-A Victim of Fraud?

1. 1MDB has to make payment to IPIC for being a guarantor. 1MDB has also to make payment to IPIC as compensation for termination of an option granted in favour of IPIC.

2. Therefore payments were made. USD 3.5 billion. Between 2012 and 2013.

3. The said USD 3.5 billion was paid to a company called Aabar BVI.

4. However there is a big problem. IPIC denied to have any link whatsoever with Aabar BVI. Meaning, IPIC said they have yet to receive the money from 1MDB.

5. Where has USD 3.5 billion gone?

6. Aabar BVI was said to have been closed in the middle of 2015. All monies were gone.

7. Many parts of the world have started investigations on corruption and money-laundering. Presumably the monies must have been moved from bank to bank, as the amount is too big to be physically moved around.

8. Arul Kanda of 1MDB did not discount the possibility of fraud.

9. Prime Minister of Malaysia said it is too early to conclude fraud.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


1. The Sarawak Election 2016 has caused crashing defeat to Peninsular-based political parties.

2. DAP lost badly (12 to 7). PAS gets 0. Amanah gets 0. Keadilan remains at 3.

3. The focus on the battle cry of 'Sarawak for Sarawakians' has brought great victory for Sarawak BN. This is essentially the continuation of the fight for more autonomy for Sarawak.

4. This battle cry has the effect of blocking all opposition parties-they are all from the peninsular Malaysia.

5. Flexibility of religion, the importance of English language is openly recognised, Chinese Independent Schools is no longer an issue....is a departure from the Federal Policy.

6. Whether it would just be a battle cry is a different issue. Now that the Sarawakians have made their decision clearly known. They must be respected.