Friday, May 31, 2013


1. Inherent structural defect can happen in politics. The basic unit of a political relationship is the electors and the elected. It goes without saying that the job of the elected is to advance the interests of the electors. Everything would be fine as long as the electors are having common interests.

2. When the interests of the electors are in conflict, there is still a way out. The wise elected could choose to follow the wishes of the majority. This way he can still save his job.

3. But following the wishes of the majority of the electors is not the same as doing the right thing. The majority could be wrong, and if you follow the wrong, you would also be wrong. When the majority is wrong, you are placed in a dilemma. To follow them and keep your job or not to follow them and lose your job.

4. How many would choose not to follow and be ready to lose the job?

Thursday, May 30, 2013


1. The product that we are selling is nothing unique. It appears that the product that is being sold by our competitor is more appealing. However due to the presence of fear among trhe buyers, our product has been chosen by the buyers. We may not realise the real reason why we are being able to sell our product well.

2. Time moves on. Things keep changing. Nothing is permanent, except this one.

3. Suddenly, the buyers changed to our rival's product. The buyers rejected our product almost totally. We are lost. We can't understand why.

4. Probably, fear no longer exists. The buyers have changed.