Wednesday, April 20, 2016


1. Sextus Empiricus is a well known sceptic. He has chosen the course of suspension of judgment.

2. He has demonstrated in his argument for suspension that there is a natural gap between appearance and reality. And this gap is by nature could never be closed. To him all things are non-evident.

3. A further evidence that all things are non-evident is the endless dispute among the philosophers. Any book on History of Philosophy could convince you on this point.

4. But why didn't he says "All things are non-evident (except this)" ?

5. Probably because of this. He said to the effect that: When you have no answer to a question, you could still dispute by saying that you would have the answer in the FUTURE.

6. Since all assertions would attract dispute, the only logical thing to do is to suspend judgment.

7. However if you are still being attacked, escape to the natural safe heaven: Inner Self. I am unable to decide, therefore I suspend judgment.

8. Of course there is nothing to stop you from getting out from the safe heaven from time to time provided that you remember to run back into the safe heaven when danger is being detected.

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