Saturday, February 6, 2010


1.John Locke says: There is therefore,secondly,another way whereby Governments are dissolved,and that is;when the Legislative,or the Prince,either of them act contrary to their Trust.

2.Going by what is asserted by Locke;Governments are merely trustees;and the people are the beneficiary for whose good the trustees must act.

3.We would appoint capable and trustworthy man to be our trustee so that our interests are protected at all times. The incapable would be unable to produce the desired effect;while the untrustworthy would not act for the good of the beneficiary.

4.Just as when we are searching for a Trust Fund to grow our money,we would look for a capable and trustworthy Trust Fund Manager so that we could achieve our aim of having more money.

5.The criterion,therefore,that is being adopted by the people in appointing their Government is capability and trustworthiness. A political party which fails to understand this is unlikely to succeed.

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