Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1. The MCA Central Committee is the highest governing body of a political party called MCA.

2. The members of MCA Central Committee are being elected by the MCA members through the Central Delegates once in every three years. The last election was in 2008 and the next election is due in 2011.

3. However, in the event that two-third or more of the elected members of the Central Committee shall at any time cease to be members of the Central Committee, there shall be an election of the Central committee in accordance with Article 41 of the MCA Constitution.

4.21 members are the aforesaid two-third.

5. It is reported that 13 members have now submitted their letters of resignation.

6. But the requirement of Article 41 has not been fulfilled as yet.

7. Another 8 members are required.

8. The act of resignation is not entirely at the absolute discretion of the said members. From the point of view of trust, the members of the Central Committee are trustees of the MCA members. As trustees they ought to act in the best interest of the beneficiaries.

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